Thursday, March 19, 2009

Evaluation of Bullying campaign

This project was a project about bullying and how to advertise anti-bullying. I chose to do anti-bullying games which had to be none violent with animated figures. The project didn't work properly in the beginning because there was no software to make this kind o games. The software we had was always violent so that didn't work. We tried downloading something that worked but that was violent as well. In the end we had to make a keynote explaining what bullying is and explaining what we did. I made a garageband song to go with it. It didn't work out the way I wanted to but I can't change that now.

THe time we used was often not used properly but that was not our fault. We had to download big files for game-making and that took quiet long. In that time I was working on the garageband which made it better. THe next time I will take something easier. 

In the end we didn't have much time to make the keynote because we had research before that. The keynote is still ok but we could have done a better job if we had time. The plan and create stage didn't work properly at all. We couldn't do anything with the game machines so that was bad. The only good create thing was the keynote and garageband.

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